Operating Model

EtherOrcs DAO Governance Model

This section is devoted to how governance will work/operate within the EtherOrcs DAO.

Flow Consensus Democracy

The EtherOrcs DAO will operate a Flow Consensus Democracy.

Distributed organizations struggle with participation in the WEB3 world and in the real world. Co-Ops hold multiple events a year, to drum up support and keep their communities energized. This is much more difficult in the WEB3 world where the span of attention hovers in and out of 5 minutes. With this in mind, we're going to change the way we thinking about minimum participation and approval when it comes to DAO decisions

Flow Consensus Democracy is just like it sounds, the consensus of our democracy will go with the flow. If an idea is presented, and no strong disagreement is made against it, the idea will move forward under the notion that silence is consent.

How do we know an idea is safe?

This is where the War Band comes into the picture. There are two parties involved when it comes to approving a proposal:

  • The War Band
    • This is a group comprised of the War Council and four additional seats, selected by the War Council.
    • The Selected seats can be permemnant or situationally based, on where the War Council sees the need
  • The Community
    • This is all holders of EtherOrcs Genesis mints

How does this work?

All proposals are reviewed by the War Band before being presented to the DAO during the All DAO meeting. The War Band will make a recomendation on the proposal and then submit it into Snapshot.org for voting, or present it to the DAO for discussions.

The below table covers how this would look in application:

War BandCommunityOutcomeDescription
AttackApproveProposal PassesThe War Band Recommends doing this proposal, the community agrees with the War Band
AttackRejectMediationThe War Band recommends doing this proposal, the community disagrees, discussions occur to find a middle ground
RetreatApproveProposal DiesThe War Band recommends not doing this proposal, the community agrees with the War band
RetreatRejectMediationThe War Band recommends not doing this proposal, the community disagrees, discussions occur to find a middle ground
DefendApproveProposal is deferedThe War Band recommends defering this proposal, the community agrees with the War Band
DefendRejectMediationThe War Band recommends defering this proposal, the community disagrees, discussions occur to find a middle ground